Make your own vibrant, colorful sand in 4 easy steps! You need: 1 cup of fine sand (from the sandpit) ½ teaspoon cornflour (Maizina) 1 teaspoon of dish soap Food coloring... read more →
You will need: Googly Eyes Different coloured papers (we used about six different colours) Glue Pencil Scissors String Wooden pegs Instructions: For the instructions, we are referring to the easter... read more →
You will need: Uncooked pasta (macaroni or penne works great) Food colouring 1/2 cup of vinegar A bowl filled with 2 cups of water Cookie sheet or baking tray String... read more →
What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine? A slowpoke! What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant! Knock, knock. Who’s there? Figs.... read more →
Download your free sea animal word search activity here: You can also find these cute creatures on the educational Sea Animals / Seediere downloadable posters. ... read more →
Salt dough ornaments are the perfect Christmas craft and activity to do with your kids. Make them to give as gifts or simply to hang on your own tree. You... read more →
Can a flower change its colour? This fun experiment is a great way to teach children of all ages about transpiration. You will need: White flowers Food colouring Glasses or... read more →
This has been an absolute favourite in our house. An experiment done not just once but repeatedly. Supplies needed: Milk Flat glass bowl Food colouring Cotton earbud Dishwashing liquid Pour... read more →
As jy al ooit 'n groente- of kruietuin wou gehad het, is hierdie 'n maklike manier om te begin! Benodighede: Eierkarton Skêr Swart pen Skoon roomysstokkies Potgrond Verskillende saadpakkies Lepel... read more →
How do you make an octopus laugh? With ten-tickles! How do we know that the ocean is friendly? It waves! Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9.... read more →