Apr 06

Healthier decoration station

Adding sprinkles to any meal or snack makes it magical!

Swop the normal cookies and cupcakes for some fruit slices and decorate them.

We used a corked apple, some peanut butter, sprinkles, cereals, nuts and raisins.

It is safe to say it was a big hit!

I realized in the last few days, jazzing up mundane things does create some excitement. I gave my children their normal snacks (fruit, raisins and cheese cubes) in different or unusual containers to make it a bit more exciting. I have tried plastic wine glasses, silicone cupcake holders and pill containers (practising those fine motor skills).

With the kids eating constantly, you might feel like you are running the school tuckshop. Try packing a snack drawer in the fridge filled with fruits, pre-made sandwiches, boiled eggs, small tomatoes and leftover meat. Dividing the snacks evenly and labelling them helps to keep bickering to a minimum. Or simply pack daily snacks in a container, that they can help themselves to, instead of asking all the time. BUT make sure to explain to everyone that the snacks supplied are for the whole day and that trips to the store are kept to a minimum. Without creating any stress or uncertainty of course.



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