- ½ cup cornflour (Maizena)
- 1 cup baking soda
- ¾ cup water
- optional: 2-3 drops of essential oils are fun to add in
- optional: 4-5 drops of food colouring
- In a saucepan with NO heat, add the cornflour, baking soda, water and stir.
- Place your saucepan on the stove top and turn your heat to medium.
- Continue stirring the mix constantly. It will start to bubble slightly and that’s when it happens fast. It will begin to turn solid. Once a ball starts to form (4-5 minutes) take your pan off the heat.
- Place your dough onto a piece of parchment paper or a silicone mat. Let it cool, it will be very hot. To speed the cooling process, flip it over and knead it a bit as it’s cooling down. Be careful, it’s HOT.
- Once your dough is cool you have the option of adding in a food colouring or a scent. Option: add 2-3 drops of essential oil, we used lemon, and knead it into the dough. Option: add drops of food colouring to your desired coloured, even 1 drop will give it some colour.
- That’s it, super easy! Now it’s time to play. Get out the cookie cutters, lollipop sticks, and plastic utensils and have some fun creating!
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