Step 1: Deactivate Parental Control

1.1. Click on Kid Icon

1.2. Select yes to leave Kid Desktop

1.3. Click on bottom right corner icon

1.4. Complete the sum that comes up

1.5. Your device is now deactivated from the parental control function

Step 2: Go to the Google Play Store

Please ensure that you have a Gmail account set up for this
You will need an internet connection for this

Step 3: Search for Besige Breintjies

3.1. Two apps will pop up (Legkaarte / Puzzles & Doolhof / Mazes)

Step 4: Click on the Legkaarte / Puzzles

4.1. Accept permissions

4.2. The game will now Install

4.3. Once installed click OPEN

4.4. Follow the prompts

4.5. Use BB01 Code provided

4.6. Legkaarte / Puzzles is now installed and unlocked on your device.

Step 5: Go Back to the Play Store

Step 6: Click on the Doolhof / Mazes

6.1. Accept permissions

6.2. The game will now Install

6.3. Once installed click OPEN

6.4. Follow the prompts

6.5. Use BB02 Code provided

6.6. Doolhof / Mazes is now installed and unlocked on your device.

Step 7: To Add the 2 New Mini Apps to the Parental Control App:

7.1. Click on iWawa

7.2. Select the Lock Icon

7.3. Click the Parental Control icon

7.4. Complete the Sum

7.5. Select Applications

7.6. Tick the Legkaarte / Puzzle and Doolhof / Mazes

7.7. Click the back arrows on the top left hand corner of the screen and go
all the way back to the screen that shows the A+ Apps.



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