What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine?
A slowpoke!
What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?
An irrelephant!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Figs who?
Figs the doorbell, I’ve been knocking forever!
Why does it take pirates a long time to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!
Why can’t you tell a joke to an egg?
It might crack up!
What do you call a sad strawberry?
A blueberry!
What do you call a huge pile of cats?
A meow-ntain!
Which vegetable do sailors hate the most?
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!
What do you do when a lemon gets sick?
You give it lemon-aid.
Why are fish so smart?
Because they live in schools!
Why is Cinderella bad at soccer?
Because she’s always running away from the ball!
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